Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I haven't blogged in a while cause I just don't have much to tell. Work is good, things are still busy here since we are still on the fall migration period and the bats get cuter with every one I find. I have been taking some neat pictures which I will share with you.

Here's a pretty cute Silver Haired Bat.

A few weeks ago I took a trip out to Portland and decided to take a 9 mile detour on the Old Highway 30 which took me high above the Gorge and gave me some very stunning views. This is one.

This one is of the moonrise I was able to catch on my way back from my weekly trip to The Dalles. Spectacular behind the sagebrush!

Just a few days later I got this sunrise with the turbine. I believe it was during some heavy wildfires which is probably why it is so pretty. The air out here is so clean the sunrises and sunsets are no where as beautiful as the ones in California.

This is of a Mule Deer and her baby. I was trying to get a picture of them laying down in the wheat stubble but I spooked her and they ran away a bit before turning to look at me.

I thought this was a cool picture. One of the turbines is turned off, for maintenance or something, while the other is still on. You can see the different angles the blades are to catch the wind or let the wind slide by. The one on the right is off.

These are some tie dyed daises I bought myself to brighten up my room a little. I have wanted to do this on my own for a while but never got around to making the mess it would require and they are just as good from the store.


Blogger Jailgy said...

Cute little bat, it looks alive, is it? And pretty flowers! And pretty deer and moon and sun...

7:05 PM  
Blogger Gramma said...

Talked with your sister this morning to wish her happy birthday. We discussed how much we all like fish and how it makes your mom cringe in sheer terror. Glad you are doing well. My usual quarterly check-up with my MD was yesterday. Guess I'm doing fine although she did increase my BP meds. I thought I was doing well at 150/80, but she said she'd rather I be closer to 130/70.It's easy to say just cut out the stress. I don't really have any. But, I have been trying to cut out all the white stuff we eat. When it comes to rice, though, I have no will power. I have just 1/2 cup.
Bats will be bats...they still carry all kinds of diseases.

3:48 PM  
Blogger Gramma said...

I love your pictures. The landscapes are priceless. Even the bat looks cuddlesome.

9:40 AM  

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